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What is Fear?

What is your biggest fear?

Some people may say spiders or heights.

For me, it was putting myself out there. It was playing piano in front of people and letting the world view my photography.

I cared so much about peoples opinions of me when in reality it shouldn't matter what others think. Like Dr. Seuss said, 'Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.'

The fear that stops us from reaching our goals is a product of the thoughts that we create.

Have you ever sat on top of a death slide and looked down at the gut-wrenching plunge below you? The first time you sit on the ledge will be the hardest, your brain will be coming up with all the possible things that COULD go wrong, tempting yourself to give up, stopping yourself from making that final push off the edge. However, after you've made that jump over the barriers you have created, you get the sudden adrenaline rush that leaves you wanting more. Each time after that, it gets easier, making you ask yourself why you were ever that scared in the first place.

This week I have done things I never thought I could and took small leaps and

bounds to becoming free from the fear that held me back.

I have realised that there are always going to be people that will raise their eyebrows at your photography but there are also going to be the people that will applaud your creativity and guts.

I realised that playing the piano in front of people is not as daunting as it seems and that if you do make the dreaded mistake, is anyone really going to notice? No.

Danger is real but fear is a choice.


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C.Whitehurst proudly created by Chloe Whitehurst, Photographer.

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